Monday, February 3, 2014

Art and Tomato Soup

   Monday has become a day filled with art, food and laughter. Today we looked at different ways of mixing color so that the color would glow. Next week we will apply what we learned to a painting of an iris. I cannot wait!

   After we worked on circles of mixed color we had a delicious lunch! Faye brought homemade pimento cheese, crusty bread and a delicious frozen chocolate pie. I volunteered to make tomato soup and have to add that it was really good for my first time. I thought I would share what I came up with and if you try it let me know what you think :)


                                                                      Tomato Soup

                                                1 14.5 oz can of Diced Tomatoes
                                                1 14.5 oz of Italian Style Tomatoes
                                                1 small onion diced
                                                1 Tbsp of Olive Oil
                                                1 Tbsp of Butter
                                                1/4 tsp of pepper ( or more or less to taste )
                                                1 1/2 cup of Low Sodium Chicken Broth
                                                2 Tbsp of sugar
                                               A dash of cayenne pepper ( or more or less to taste )

                               Over medium heat sauté onion in the olive oil until transparent.
                            Add tomatoes, sugar, seasonings and chicken broth. Bring to a boil
                            and simmer for about ten minutes. Cool and puree. After pureeing
                           return to pot and add butter. Reheat and serve.
                              You could also add 1/3 cup of cream for a creamier soup; if you
                           do, add with butter and warm.
                               I added a Tbsp of parmesan cheese to was yummy.

                     I also said Mondays are filled with laughter. Today was a dreary cold day
                 but we still had a great time. Christie we missed you!
                                               " Art was fun but the food was funner "
                                                                                                  June Johnson

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