Wednesday, February 5, 2014

CSCC Portraits in Pencil Class

    The class at Cleveland State made and we are having a great time!! It is a beginning portrait class for ages 18 and older. We were snowed in last week and had to miss a class but no one missed a beat..homework was complete! This week we drew noses...right side up, upside down,long noses ,old noses,young noses and baby noses and we are ready to move on to drawing hair fun fun :)
It doesn't get much funner...

    Wish you could join us...we have a great time :)
    If you are looking for something to do during these cold winter evenings, check out your local
college. You might be surprised at what they have to offer. I took a photography class last year and
learned quite a bit about how to operate my digital camera.

   Getting ready for classes tomorrow..I love my job :)
   Have a creative day and goodnight...


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